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Copy Locked Files With Robocopy Using B Parameter

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  1. Copy Locked Files With Robocopy Using B Parameters
  2. Robocopy Specific Files

Use the arrays, Luke. If you specify an array of values, PowerShell will automatically expand them into separate parameters. In my experience, this is the most reliable method. Copying files with Copy-Item or robocopy. Ddj sx2 driver for mac. How to pass command line arguments to a rake task. Robocopy - Invalid parameter This is similar to the spaces-in-file-names problem previously reported with robocopy. I use robocopy to back up data from our private e-mail app to a DVD+RW, except that in the directory of one of the other users is a bunch of JPEG files, some with spaces in their names, that he (apparently) put there to make it.


Copies file data from one location to another.


For example, to copy a file named from c:reports to a file share marketingvideos while enabling multi-threading for higher performance (with the /mt parameter) and the ability to restart the transfer in case it's interrupted (with the /z parameter), type:


Specifies the path to the source directory.
Specifies the path to the destination directory.
Specifies the file or files to be copied. Wildcard characters (* or ?) are supported. If you don't specify this parameter, *. is used as the default value.
Specifies the options to use with the robocopy command, including copy, file, retry, logging, and job options.

Copy options

/sCopies subdirectories. This option automatically excludes empty directories.
/eCopies subdirectories. This option automatically includes empty directories.
/lev:Copies only the top n levels of the source directory tree.
/zCopies files in restartable mode.
/bCopies files in Backup mode.
/zbUses restartable mode. If access is denied, this option uses Backup mode.
/efsrawCopies all encrypted files in EFS RAW mode.
/copy:Specifies which file properties to copy. The valid values for this option are:
  • D - Data
  • A - Attributes
  • T - Time stamps
  • S - NTFS access control list (ACL)
  • O - Owner information
  • U - Auditing information
The default value for this option is DAT (data, attributes, and time stamps).
/dcopy:Specifies what to copy in directories. The valid values for this option are:
  • D - Data
  • A - Attributes
  • T - Time stamps
The default value for this option is DA (data and attributes).
/secCopies files with security (equivalent to /copy:DATS).
/copyallCopies all file information (equivalent to /copy:DATSOU).
/nocopyCopies no file information (useful with /purge).
/secfixFixes file security on all files, even skipped ones.
/timfixFixes file times on all files, even skipped ones.
/purgeDeletes destination files and directories that no longer exist in the source. Using this option with the /e option and a destination directory, allows the destination directory security settings to not be overwritten.
/mirMirrors a directory tree (equivalent to /e plus /purge). Using this option with the /e option and a destination directory, overwrites the destination directory security settings.
/movMoves files, and deletes them from the source after they are copied.
/moveMoves files and directories, and deletes them from the source after they are copied.
/a+:[RASHCNET]Adds the specified attributes to copied files. The valid values for this option are:
  • R - Read only
  • A - Archive
  • S - System
  • H - Hidden
  • C - Compressed
  • N - Not content indexed
  • E - Encrypted
  • T - Temporary
/a-:[RASHCNET]Removes the specified attributes from copied files. The valid values for this option are:
  • R - Read only
  • A - Archive
  • S - System
  • H - Hidden
  • C - Compressed
  • N - Not content indexed
  • E - Encrypted
  • T - Temporary
/createCreates a directory tree and zero-length files only.
/fatCreates destination files by using 8.3 character-length FAT file names only.
/256Turns off support for paths longer than 256 characters.
/mon:Monitors the source, and runs again when more than n changes are detected.
/mot:Monitors the source, and runs again in m minutes, if changes are detected.
/MT[:n]Creates multi-threaded copies with n threads. n must be an integer between 1 and 128. The default value for n is 8. For better performance, redirect your output using /log option.

The /mt parameter can't be used with the /ipg and /efsraw Mac os iso image editor. parameters.

/rh:hhmm-hhmmSpecifies run times when new copies may be started.
/pfChecks run times on a per-file (not per-pass) basis.
/ipg:nSpecifies the inter-packet gap to free bandwidth on slow lines.
/slDon't follow symbolic links and instead create a copy of the link.

Wifislax mac download. Important

When using the /secfix copy option, specify the type of security information you want to copy, using one of these additional copy options:

  • /copyall
  • /copy:o
  • /copy:s
  • /copy:u
  • /sec

File selection options

/aCopies only files for which the Archive attribute is set.
/mCopies only files for which the Archive attribute is set, and resets the Archive attribute.
/ia:[RASHCNETO]Includes only files for which any of the specified attributes are set. The valid values for this option are:
  • R - Read only
  • A - Archive
  • S - System
  • H - Hidden
  • C - Compressed
  • N - Not content indexed
  • E - Encrypted
  • T - Temporary
  • O - Offline
/xa:[RASHCNETO]Excludes files for which any of the specified attributes are set. The valid values for this option are:
  • R - Read only
  • A - Archive
  • S - System
  • H - Hidden
  • C - Compressed
  • N - Not content indexed
  • E - Encrypted
  • T - Temporary
  • O - Offline
/xf [ .]Excludes files that match the specified names or paths. Wildcard characters (* and ?) are supported.
/xd [ .]Excludes directories that match the specified names and paths.
/xcExcludes changed files.
/xnExcludes newer files.
/xoExcludes older files.
/xxExcludes extra files and directories.
/xlExcludes 'lonely' files and directories.
/isIncludes the same files.
/itIncludes modified files.
/max:Specifies the maximum file size (to exclude files bigger than n bytes).
/min:Specifies the minimum file size (to exclude files smaller than n bytes).
/maxage:Specifies the maximum file age (to exclude files older than n days or date).
/minage:Specifies the minimum file age (exclude files newer than n days or date).
/maxlad:Specifies the maximum last access date (excludes files unused since n).
/minlad:Specifies the minimum last access date (excludes files used since n) If n is less than 1900, n specifies the number of days. Otherwise, n specifies a date in the format YYYYMMDD.
/xjExcludes junction points, which are normally included by default.
/fftAssumes FAT file times (two-second precision).
/dstCompensates for one-hour DST time differences.
/xjdExcludes junction points for directories.
/xjfExcludes junction points for files.

Retry options

/r:Specifies the number of retries on failed copies. The default value of n is 1,000,000 (one million retries).
/w:Specifies the wait time between retries, in seconds. The default value of n is 30 (wait time 30 seconds).
/regSaves the values specified in the /r and /w options as default settings in the registry.
/tbdSpecifies that the system will wait for share names to be defined (retry error 67).

Logging options

/lSpecifies that files are to be listed only (and not copied, deleted, or time stamped).
/xReports all extra files, not just those that are selected.
/vProduces verbose output, and shows all skipped files.
/tsIncludes source file time stamps in the output.
/fpIncludes the full path names of the files in the output.
/bytesPrints sizes, as bytes.
/nsSpecifies that file sizes are not to be logged.
/ncSpecifies that file classes are not to be logged.
/nflSpecifies that file names are not to be logged.
/ndlSpecifies that directory names are not to be logged.
/npSpecifies that the progress of the copying operation (the number of files or directories copied so far) will not be displayed.
/etaShows the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the copied files.
/log:Writes the status output to the log file (overwrites the existing log file).
/log+:Writes the status output to the log file (appends the output to the existing log file).
/unicodeDisplays the status output as Unicode text.
/unilog:Writes the status output to the log file as Unicode text (overwrites the existing log file).
/unilog+:Writes the status output to the log file as Unicode text (appends the output to the existing log file).
/teeWrites the status output to the console window, as well as to the log file.
/njhSpecifies that there is no job header.
/njsSpecifies that there is no job summary.

Job options

/job:Specifies that parameters are to be derived from the named job file.
/save:Specifies that parameters are to be saved to the named job file.
/quitQuits after processing command line (to view parameters).
/nosdIndicates that no source directory is specified.
/noddIndicates that no destination directory is specified.
/ifIncludes the specified files.

Exit (return) codes

0No files were copied. No failure was encountered. No files were mismatched. The files already exist in the destination directory; therefore, the copy operation was skipped.
1All files were copied successfully.
2There are some additional files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory. No files were copied.
3Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered.
5Some files were copied. Some files were mismatched. No failure was encountered.
6Additional files and mismatched files exist. No files were copied and no failures were encountered. This means that the files already exist in the destination directory.
7Files were copied, a file mismatch was present, and additional files were present.
8Several files did not copy.


Any value greater than 8 indicates that there was at least one failure during the copy operation.

Additional References

Robocopy (aka 'Robust File Copy') is a very useful command-line directory and file replication tool that replaces and enhances the functionality of Xcopy, adding a slew of valuable options, especially when it comes to file synchronizations, mirroring and file backups in general.

One feature that Robocopy command line tool is missing is related to ignoring errors. Where is the design tab in powerpoint 2011 for mac.

The only way I found around it, is to add 0 seconds and 0 retries option when copying or mirroring folders.

Copy Locked Files With Robocopy Using B Parameters

The following example illustrates drive mirroring (C: to X: drive), with error ignoring by leveraging the R and W switch:

Robocopy Specific Files<div><span>Facebook Comments</span></div>

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